ryukyu kobudo shimbukan
our style
We study traditional Okinawan kobudo (weapons) as taught by Akamine Hiroshi Sensei, president of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan.
As with our shorinryu karate, this art uses relaxation, structure, and muscle manipulation to generate dynamic movement and power. However, the body is “extended” by the addition of weapons, including bo, sai, nunchaku, teko, tonfa, tinbe and rochin, kama, and eku. This body extension highlights errors and weaknesses in technique that are less evident when practicing karate. Thus, kobudo is a critical supplement to karate. The additional challenge posed by weapons further enhances the benefits of training, including strength, agility, and concentration. The demands of moving weapons through space requires additional focus on total body relaxation.
Students advance by demonstrating kata. All dan (black belt) grades are issued by the headquarters dojo in Okinawa.
Kyu Grades (Color Belts)
Akamine no Bo Kihon Kata Ichi
Akamine no Bo Kihon Kata Ni
Sushi no Kon Sho
Akamine no Sai Kihon Kata Ichi
Akamine no Sai Kihon Kata Ni
Chikinshitahaku no Sai
Maezato no Teko
Maezato no Nunchaku
Dan Grades (Black Belts)
Sakugawa no Kon Sho
Shushi no Kon Dai
Sakugawa no Kon Dai
Yonegawa no Kon
Shirotaru no Kon
Choun no Kon
Urasoe no Kon
Chatanyara no Kon
Chatanyara no Sai
Hamahiga no Sai
Kugusuku no Sai
Tawada no Sai
Jigen no Sai
Yakaa no Sai
Akamine no Nunchaku
Hamahiga no Tonfa
Kanegawa no Tinbe
Kanegawa no Nichogama
Tuskensunakake no Kon